Friday, July 25, 2008

Create creative

Interior light in real life network

It's all about taking pictures and focusing on the interior light.

Making amazing things


The "Word" is one of the most successful parts in my first project of DESN101. I had to make the word by a continuous thread on the grid. You may wonder how i did it. Well, let's see.

  • Location: Glover park on Ghuznee street
  • Time: March 15th, 2008
  • Who did it? Anh with her roomate's help
  • Materials: Strings, scissors, and tape
  • Process:
  1. It took a night to make the thread thicker by binding three strings to one so that it would be easier to see in the picture.
  2. We stuck and formed the thread the word "elegant" ending with a little flower on the ground. Many people saw and although they didn't seem to understand what we were doing but some said "great work, girls."
  3. recorded it by taking heaps of photos in many positions.
  4. After choosing the best photo, I played arround with the blur tool and brightness in Photoshop to make it cool. The picture look deep and the word matched with the background in red colour.

And the result is that the picture was uploaded in the school gallery.

Yeah, that's elegant!


Blogs connect people to people without meeting in a real life . I have chances to look through students' work in the 112 community by lurking and understand the real life network. Moreover, I can add comments on their blogs.
I commented the blogs of nay lin htaik, jin-ah lee, zhang fan, stacey tampi, Yanisa Ruenkamol, Sandra Marin to reply them when I received their comments and when i found something interesting in their blogs. Also, I had comments from them. And blog was great experience.